Friday, March 5, 2010

Etsy Finds - Marine Edition!

I love things that have to do with the sea. I love the sounds and smells of the ocean and visiting all sorts of shores and beaches. One of my favorite activities is snorkeling - in my opinion the best way to experience the wonders of marine life. So, this week I am featuring some of my favorite Etsy listings from under (or close to!) the sea.

Starfish and Pearl Necklace

I love this delicate little necklace in blustarfruit's shop featuring a starfish and two little pearls.

Tide Pool

Isn't this print fun?! I swear I can just hear the bubbles well, bubbling on up when I look at this adorable painting by HollyvisionArt. Definitely go check out the shop - there are tons of adorable, fun, whimsical paintings!

Lifeguard Tower

This photo from AlisonTravels really caught my eye. I think the colors are extraordinary and I remember seeing those beat up Long Beach lifeguard towers.

Suzy the Blue Octopus

This makes me smile! She's called Suzy and was knit by AracneForKids. What a darling little toy for a baby!

I hope you enjoyed this week's features!