Saturday, February 6, 2010

New Blog!

Bom dia! I decided to start this blog for a few reasons. One is to be more involved in the Etsy community, so I can feature some artists and crafters I have found. Another is to continue to promote our Etsy Store. But, I think the main reason is to have a forum to get a little more personal in the community. Let people get to know us, and get to know other Etsians outside the constraints of a shop.

So, I have written two about pages where hopefully you will get a better idea of who we are. Please see above for the links to those pages.

Finally, since I am totally snowed in right now here in Pittsburgh, I thought I would suggest a snowy painting for some snowy snowy weather.

I hope you enjoy, and thanks for reading!

~~Alone in Winter~~ Original Oil Painting (15.7 by 19.7 in)

One of my favorites!

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